Thursday, February 05, 2009


I work the night audit this Friday and Saturday, I have tomorrow off, so I'm trying to stay awake as long as I can tonight so I can sleep late tomorrow morning to adjust my sleep schedule. Yesterday we were told that we will probably get our "surprise" inspection at the hotel in the next week or so. I think Karissa is getting the raw end of that stick. She's worked her ass off the last couple of days! GO EXECUTIVE HOUSEKEEPER!!! Waking up at 5:30am, working an 11 hour day, and trying to stay up until at least 3am is killer. I don't know how Doug and Jason and my mom do it!

Anyway, to keep me awake I rented "The Secret Life of Bees". Cried like a baby, not "Extreme Home Makeover tears, but close. I love Dakota Fanning. I'm a sucker for sentimental, heartwarming and "coming of age" movies.

Its been a while since I've written anything. I know I'm going to get crap from Doug for not posting his birthday pics, but I haven't even been in the computer room on our "archaic" desktop since we got our Mac laptop. The card reader is on the desktop. Ok, Ok, I'm just lazy.

Aiden is doin' fantastic! He talks up a storm now. The other night, we told him it was time to go to bed and he said "no" and I said, "yeah C'Mon, lets go night night" and he said "NO! 5 more minutes, k?" Kevin and I laughed so hard, he got his 5 minutes. Here's a list of some of the adorable things he says. This is more for my family than anyone else. You have to keep in mind that this is a two year old.

"GUYS! Watch dis!"

"Is MY turn now, k? IS MY TURN NOOOW!"

"I don't yike it, nope"

"Time Out, Kitty!"

"Time Out, Mommy"

"Stand up, follow me" (He pulls on your hand and If you don't follow him, he gets really mad)

"Go to Elelellelella's house now?"

"I eat yunch, I eat gog gog (hot dog) and gup gup (katchup)"

He's starting to refer to himself as "me" and "Aiden" and he LOVES looking at pictures of himself "thats Aiden, a me a me, Aiden!"

He does and says things everyday that surprise me. I forget that he's two sometimes.

Enough about my perfect baby. Its almost 2am, I get to go to sleep soon!


Penny said...

He is a smart one, when we had him that last weekend you were home he came up with something that had "Papa" shocked. I had gone to the groecery store and Aiden wanted to chean that little red glass ball that hangs from the living room door way. He had a duster and he couldn't reach the ball and he was getting mad. Then he stoped walked over to that little solid oak childrens chair and tried to move it. It was too heavy for him and he looked at Papa and said "help Papa help."
But Papa said no you can do it.
I guess he looked at the chair for a little while and then pushed it over and rolled it to where he wanted it and then stood on the chair and dusted it, Papa said his mouth just dropped to the floor. I guess he will be a good problem solver!

Tab said...

Ahh, overnights!! They suck!
Did Karissa finally get the Executive Housekeeper position?! That's awesome! If only I had someone like Karissa to come take charge of housekeeping here...I can wish can't I?!
Aiden is just too cute! And smart! Pretty sure whatever he does when he grows up, he'll be awesome at it!!

Mrs S said...

I love the learing to talk stuff! Kids are so smart. When Jadyn was little, I would go out on dates with Ben and she would scream (and was around 2 at the time) "No, peeese dohn't leave me!" Yup guilty gut wrenching.

Jennie W said...

He's so smart! My own perfect son can say kitty!