Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fun at the Splash Park

Cutest Picture EVER!

and we're done...

Drying offHe likes to tell us where his nose is... we get updates many times a day, just to make sure we know that it is still there, and it is fact... his nose.


Karissa (mommy) said...

Seriously, those have to be the cutest pictures of Aiden EVER!!! Soooo damn cute!!! I miss him so much.

I'm glad he had an awesome time and hopefully we'll all be able to go there together before it closes. Otherwise we'll just have to run around with hoses or something and pretend it's a splash park. ;)

Mrs S said...

Those pics are fantastic!!!!!!! He looks like he was having so much fun!!

Tab said...

He's absolutely ADORABLE!!! And getting so big! I can't believe how much he is talking already!

Penny said...

Wow! I would have loved to see him play with all that water! I can see he absolutely had the best time ever, and He looks totally wiped out in that last picture it's so cute, with that little nose. It's a good thing he is keeping track of it. Can't wait to see him Dad and I are talking about comming to grand forks to see you guys this weekend. We haven't discussed when yet. Either Saturday or Sunday. I'm back to working nights again, So if it's Sunday we will have to get home early like 6:00 pm. I sure miss him!!!!!

Jennie W said...

Just adorable and getting so big!

Penny said...

Haven't you had any thoughts lately? You need to get him to say I love you on video, and post it. Hows that for a thought?? hahahaha