Wednesday, May 21, 2008

4 am Bathtime.

It all started Monday. Karissa called to tell me that Aiden was vomiting. Ick. I picked him up from Karissa's and we chilled at home all day and night. Nothing a little SpongeBob and Pedialite can't fix, right? I put him to bed and he seemed to be feeling better. Then around 2 am Tuesday morning, I woke up in a panic... stomach, ick... bathroom-- NOW. Yup, I had caught it... I called in sick to work (which I don't do very often) and slept until noon. Aiden went back to Karissa's. Around noon Kevin came home sick from work, yup he got it too. damn flu bug. I must say, men are big babies when they are sick. Just try to deny it, I dare you! Luckily Aiden seemed to be fine again. That is until 2am Wednesday morning when he awoke, vomiting again. We changed him, cleaned up the mess, put him back down to sleep. 4am... he's up again vomiting, I don't know where it all came from, I'm convinced he had snuck out of his crib and ate a 4 course meal before returning to bed and throwing it all up. Thats where the 4am bathtime came in. Of course, he thought it was play time, but after all was settled, he fell back asleep and was not heard from for the rest of the night. Kevin called into work today and although I'm feeling very tired and a little weak, I think the worst has passed and we're on the road to recovery.

As for Mission Skinny; I lost a whopping .4 lbs... not 4 lbs.... .4 but thats ok, it was bound to happen sometime. I'm not done with this diet, just at a stand still. We'll break through it soon enough.

American Idol Finale is tonight. We're cheering for David Cook. Thats all I really have to say about that.

I'm excited to say that Jason (gotta get used to calling him that) is our new night auditor at the hotel. I'm just happy that he's going to FINALLY live in grand forks and there's no backing out of it now! He'll be living with us for a while until he gets his own place.

Oh, and I didn't mean to FORGET but it was my MOM's 29th (yeah right) birthday on Saturday! I wished her a happy birthday IRL, but wanted to say it here too!

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MOM!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! Glad to hear you had a good day, even if we weren't there to celebrate it with you!


Tab said...

That sucks that you all get sick whenever a bug seeps into your house. Hope you are all feeling better.

Yah! David Cook won!

Good to hear that "Jason" is finally making the move to GF. Soon it'll be our turn. Maybe you'll need another employee by then?! That'd be too bad, cuz I don't think I'd be interested!

Anonymous said...

Oh noes!!!! now that its on the web im stuck with the job.

Mrs S said...

Congrats Budo!

And yuck to the stomach bug I thought I was going to die when I had it.

BoneDaddy said...

A little advice for Butto, take it easy on the waffles when youtry them. They're like Krabby Patties, easy to get addicted to.

Jennie W said...

Poor all of you! I hope you are all doing better!