Monday, March 05, 2007

Getting better!

Aiden is doing better today. We left the hospital about noon. Karissa came over to help watch Aiden while we did some much needed cleaning. THANK YOU!

He's eating well now, and isn't coughing as much, although he is still coughing. So we're on the road to recovery. He has to still get Nebulizer treatments every 4-6 hours. He likes them though, he knows it helps him breathe better, i think. The treatments make him a little more hyper though, and his little hands and feet spastically move around, its kind of funny, like a baby on a sugar rush. But we get smiles out of him a lot after his treatments because he is so alert.

So there's your update. Adien is doing better, thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!

1 comment:

BoneDaddy said...

Good to hear he's doing better!