Friday, December 01, 2006

nope... no baby yet.

I called my mom today and first thing she says "IS THIS THE BIG CALL?!" Nope sorry, just me calling to ask ya somethin'" Janelle called to make sure I was still okay and not in labor.... thanks for all of your good thoughts and well wishes... but nothin' yet.

The nusery is done... I'll have to post some pics. The clothes and blankets are washed and ready to be filled with a baby. My hospital bag is mostly packed... I think we're as ready as we're going to be. We have the boppy pillow (a new mommy must-have says "baby" magazine) on order along with the COMBI (registered trademark symbol here) pack and play portable crib. The guest bedroom is ready for my mom.... anyone else think of anything we're forgetting?

We took a tour of the labor and dilivery floor. We were told, however, that there is going to be construction starting this week lasting for about two to three weeks on that floor so some of the labor rooms will be closed and the post labor rooms ("baby and family" rooms) will be used as delivery rooms... this leaves me with one fear.... i better not have a freakin' roommate. We were told at the classes we went to that the hospital is expecting an abnormally high number of babies to be born in December.... then they go and close some of their rooms.... I don't want a roommate. That means you have to deal with construction noises, no family waiting room, AND a roommate AND her visiting family members AND her screaming child on top of your own screaming child... no thank you.... no thank you one bit. keep your fingers crossed!

As my due date gets closer and closer... I do get more nervous... but I'm really glad that we have things ready. mostly anyway so when we get baby home, we can focus on adjusting to him... instead of scurring around to get things done... or running to the store for forgotten items (thats why we have doug and karissa anyway right?)

We were told that camera and video equipment are not allowed during the birth (I'm assuming they dont' want a lawsuit of somesort in case something goes wrong) so sorry friends and family... no action shots (like I'd let Kevin near me with a camera at that time anyway.... phf)

But anyway, I'm ready... bring on the contractions...and the epidural... I am SOOOO ready for game time!
(yeah... I am in my own little dream world where everything goes as planned and things run smoothly all the time.....cut me some slack people)


Karissa (mommy) said...

i don't care if it's 2 in the morning and you need us and we will get them. ;) well, as long as doug's not at work that is.

i hope you don't have a roomate either. i was worried about that and i don't know if i could've handled it. i guess you just have to deal with whatever happens, but i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

the only thing i can think that you guys might want to do before baby comes is have your fridge stocked. i'm guessing neither of you are going to be up for cooking much or probably even going out to get food, so that's an idea i guess.

Janelle said...

Karissa is correct. You should make some meals in bigger quantites and then freeze them so that they can be microwaved or thrown in the oven. That way, you don't have to worry about making food. I did that and it helped out a lot when Darren was gone. When the baby was catching a quick nap, I could heat a home-cooked meal quickly.

Reese Family Values said...

paper plates and cups! You won't want to do dishes. Also, get yourself a nice bubble bath because you may be sore and a bath will be the best thing in the world next to holding your beautiful sleeping baby. Iwould also suggest that you not be afraid to tell everyone what you want, if you don't want visitors just ask them to come back another time and if you need some food or a break just ask for it. Everyone will be expecting that you will want help so don't be afraid to ask for it. I didn't realize that with Ally.

Janelle said...

I would hold off on the bubble bath until after the baby is born. Have Kevin pick some up after the birth because if you have a c-section, you can not bathe for a while. I was pissed when I had my section because I couldn't use the jacuzzi (sp) tub at the hospital.

Liz said...

I haven't given much advice, lady, so let me send some random thoughts your way. Only remember, I have only one experience to speak from, so I could easily be wrong.

1. Don't worry about bringing your own comfy PJs to the hospital. It's way easier to use the "sheets n strings", plus if there's an accident or mess, you don't have to wash it out.

2. You decide what you feel comfortable with on this one, but don't be afraid to co-sleep. Especially if you're nursing, it works so well. For some reason, some babies just hate the bassinet.

3. Ask for help if you want it.

4. When (or if) you get the "baby blues," it's totally okay to bawl it out. You'll feel better.

Good luck!

April said...

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ADVISE! I'm sure I'll use every bit of it.