Monday, November 20, 2006

T minus 27 days... (do the math, thats like 4 weeks!)

Don't feel like typing a lot so I'm going to paraphrase my last couple of weeks.

Had two baby showers. Got cool stuff.
Finishing baby room.
Packing hospital bag.
Buying last minute things.
Went to Baby Preperation classes and learned all about Epidurals, pain meds, breathing, relaxing, and all that other baby stuff. the class was 6 hours long... 6 HOURS!.
Took Isabella's 2 year pics. She was a 2 year old and couldnt' sit still very long, but we got some good ones.. none that would be considered "hang on your wall portraits" but more "this is how she is, cute and a little diva"
That about it. We've been all about baby... and since thats not exciting to anyone else except us and grandmas and grandpas.... I won't talk too much about it.


Penny said...

Wow 27 or should I say 26 days now. I'm so ready to be a grandma. I even have things set up here at work so I can leave and not worry about who will work for me. Jermey J will be taking over my job while I'm gone. It's going to be weird for Karen. She has had him as a student since he started here when he was like 3 or 4 years old. Wow time sure flies!!!
OH and you can call me crazy but I bought him a Halloween costome,(90%off! Yeah I only paid $2.29) for next year, It's so cute, He can wear it for pjs too.

Karissa (mommy) said...

it's not just you guys and grandparents that are excited. i am VERY excited!! i can't wait to meet him!!

Anonymous said...

You forget the kevin math version. "man, thats like... more than a month.

Anonymous said...

April- oh my gosh, I cannot believe you're going to have a exciting, how's Kevin doing? Ready to be a parent? I'll have to call you one of these days, I'm sure your busy getting ready to give birth and all...I've been out in Portland,OR for 2 months now- I really like it here~ anyways, good luck on the big birthday!