Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Cake and Queen: More fun than a barrel of monkies

Is it monkies? or monkeys? Anyway... tonight I made Carrot cake... and not from the box... from scratch. (baby food carrots, not real ones) and it turned out just fine. It was a production as Blake (who was my right hand man with recipe in hand) and Lindsay (blakes.... girly type friend.. but not.. but really -kind of) and Amber and Ben and Kevin all stood and watched in amazment as I whipped that cake together like I was Freak'n Emeril. BAM! Watchout Food Network! I made the cake for a co worker 's birthday tomorrow. Which I'm not too excited about- being that I'm pretty sure this guy thinks I'm the stupidest, laziest person alive. Sometimes people's personalities just clash... what are ya gonna do, can't win um all over right.
But I have to wait until tomorrow to see if the cake is actually edible, cross your fingers people.

We watched American Idol... Queen themed, and it was awesome. I was surprised that Kelly Pickler did so well. She was actually one of my favorite performers tonight. Taylor made me laugh, and I love him and hope he stays. Ace can just go away, he is too... I don't know, I just don't like him or his voice or his tight leather pants.

Before all that though, Blake, Amber, Ben, The Husband and I went to Grizzleys (GRRRRRRR, Tame the Growlies: most catchy slogan ever) and we had a blast. We spent most of the time just laughing really hard, and not those giggles, but the full out belly laughs, and we didn't stop until everyone left our house... I think I burned all the calories I took in from dinner just laughing. Fun times, I'll definately remember tonight, It was great.

I talked to Em last night, haven't talked to her forever. We've planned a weekend trip to visit her and the fam. We also hope to plan more times together this summer.

Today I'm officially 10 days smoke free. I must say, it was easier than I thought it was going to be. Should have done it a long time ago. I feel great. I couldn't have done it without drugs... thank god for over-prescribed drugs... I never thought I"d be okay with taking a drug that controls your moods, or thoughts, or anything like that. When they tell you that one of the side effects is "suicidal thoughts" a person has to wonder exactly how much this drug controls you if it can make you want to kill yourself. But I think its great, I would be willing to be on an info-mercial for free, I believe in this crap so much. That is my plug... "Take Welbutrin, its good stuff"


Jennie W said...

Good job on the not smoking and the carrot cake!

Karissa (mommy) said...

Woo hoo for making a cake! I bet it'll taste very yummy.

Also, woo hoo for 10 days smoke free!

April said...

The cake was very yummy. Best carrot cake I've ever had.

Liz said...

I'll just ditto what has already been said. April, you sound so domestic, baking a cake from scratch!
*How dumb am I...I just typed the word ver. wrong...doh!

Penny said...

I wish I could have a taste of that cake. Maybe you can bake one for my birthday?? That would be sooooo cool! Yay for not smoking I'm glad that it has gone so well for you.

KSoFM said...

how did you resize the video on your sidebar. i want one that size.

April said...

In the video html, find the "width='300' Height='300'" (its somewhere in the middle-ish of the code)

change the W&H. Mine is 200. You shouldn't have to change the size of your actual sidebar.

If you don't want the yellow border around it...change the "yellow" to Black as the background-color... (right in the beginning of the code).

Reese Family Values said...

I think the whole welbutrin thing just depends on the person. I'm really glad it is working out for you. My dad was on it for a month and he had to go off of it because he had really bad insomnia and when he did sleep it was really restless and he even had nightmares. It's kinda funny to find your dad in a cold sweat in the middle of the night over a stupid dream. I wonder what actually causes those side effects to be so bad for some and virtually nonexistant for others. Trust me though, the longer you stay away from smoking the better you will feel. I feel much better now that I have been smoke-free for 2 1/2 years. It is definately worth it. Plus, now you will have better chances of conceiving. Sorry, I just want everyone to have babies. I love them.