Wednesday, April 05, 2006

2am and I'm posting about American Idol... sad, I know.

It only makes sense that since I woke up at 5:30 this morning that I am wide awake right now and it is 2:15am. No, that makes no sense, but here I am.

We watched American Idol tonight, and it was Country night. First of all, I hate country. Second, I can't stand Kelly Pickler, and I knew they would make this huge deal about her being from Texas. In my opinion (because I'm now an expert) all the songs sucked. I didn't even like Chris the Rocker's song choice. They all sounded really bored and out of tune to me. My prediction for the bottom 3 tomorrow: Ace, Paris, and Taylor (maybe even Bucky). I hope Ace gets voted off... even though he is incredibly HOT, he bothers me with his tendency to grope himself, and that stupid stare down he has with the camera while he sings in Falcetto which simply sounds like he got kicked in balls. Who did I vote for: Taylor. I want him to stick around, not to win, but to make it fun, and I don't think America really wants him to be there anymore. Goin' for the underdog.

Day three and I'm still Smoke Free! Last time I quit smoking... I didn't really quit, I just cut down and lied to Kevin about it... but this time I really have NOT cheated... not once. I'm doin' good. There's times that I sit and think about it for like 15 minutes "there's a gas station right down the street... its that easy" but I haven't and they say that it only takes like 5 days to form a habit, or quit and old one.

Now I just have to work on the biting my nails thing, and I'll be set!


Mr. Toast said...

Congratulations on the quitting smoking, I hope you're able to stick it out. Your lungs are worth it. You can trust me on that statement. :^)

Jennie W said...

We're praying for you...this reminds me I need to ask my mother-in-law how she's doing on not smoking...

Anonymous said...

Annette Savaloja said...

Hi April...I loved your comments
about the American Idol..
Everything that you said was exactly what I was thinking..word
for word...I vote for Taylor twice
every Tuesday..I use my cell and
than the house phone...I'd like to
see him make the top 5 but I know
he will never make it all the way..
Do you think that we are in love with the salt and pepper hair??
I don't know but he's my favorite
also...I wish they's stuff that gal
from Texas where the sun doesn't
shine.....what an air head....

Good for you and the no smoking...
Hang in there ..I'm sure you will
make it this time....

I tried to post this at 4:30 this
am as I was getting ready for work
but I wasn't sure just how to do this and I had to wait and have
Janelle help me....

I'm not a blooger but I enjoy
reading up on all the activities
of friends.....

Say Hi to all from Jim and Me and
stop in whenever you are in the area. Take Care...Later..Annette

Liz said...

Keep up the will power! If it helps, remind yourself that it's not just for your health, but for your some-day family's as well.

I'm proud of you! You can worry about your nails another time. :-p