Sunday, December 11, 2005

This is what it looked like driving back from Grand Forks today. It is in black and white because it was WAY too bright and you couldn't make out anything....  Posted by Picasa


Janelle said...

I didn't know that was a true black and white pic until you said it. I thought the weather was so bad that it clouded everything because that is exactly how ND looks sometimes in the winter.

Liz said...

That's an impressive picture! Too bad you had to drive through that icky-ness. (good word, Liz....)

Karissa (mommy) said...

I can't believe you guys actually made it back to DL in that crappy weather. I'm glad you didn't die.

Karissa (mommy) said...

i can't comment on any of the other pictures for some reason. i was just going to tell you that you took super cute pics of my perfect baby.