Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The government can bite me

Our friend Butto (Jason) works full time National Guard. He works security at the front gate of Camp Grafton near Devils Lake. He's been in the NG for almost 10 years (since his Junior year of HS) He's worked security for almost 3 years. He has seniority over all the other security guys except for his boss. Well they pulled him aside today to let him know that because of a budget cut, he is being "let go". Him and 4 other guys are being layed off. How much does THAT suck?!

So because security isn't, obviously, important to the government, Butto's last day on the job is December 31st. How awful to be let go less than a week before Christmas! Also, he just spent money on Christmas presents. Plus, with the NG, he didn't have to pay a single DIME for full health insurance, now he goes from full coverage to zip. Damn military. The only reason that he was one of the 5 is because he missed two drill days (to work his JOB at the front gate) and they knew that. It isn't like he skipped out to party or anything. Butto loved that job, and he was really good at it. He loves being in the military, he actually said that the only reason he isn't just quitting the Guard all together is because of "love for his country and loyalty to his government" blah... if I were him I'd be done with the military as soon as my contracted time was up. No, he'll prolly sign on for another 4 years even after they unrightfully canned his ass. Butto is that LAST person they should have fired. He really cares for his job, and he works long 12 hour days, and doesn't bitch about it. Poor guy.

The only good thing is that the only thing keeping him in DL was that job. He was getting paid VERY VERY well. Now, he said he's willing to try Grand Forks or something. Maybe IF IF IF we move, he'll come too. Anyway, I feel really bad for the guy, he did NOT deserve this. Stupid government, they don't know what they're doing.


BoneDaddy said...

We'll break out the welcome wagon for all of you guys if it come to that!

Mrs S said...

What the F$$$ did they just decide to spring that shit on him the week before christmas!!!!!!!!!!! Couldn't they have given them some sort of notice at all.Ass holes!!!!!!!!! Ooooh he missed two days of drill to "oh my god work for the lazy fucks" For gods sake. Butto deserves something way better than that. No one as nice and decent as he is should be treated that way.

Josie, group organizer said...

I'm starting to think that there's some reason why Jason, Amadon, and Kevin all have bad drama with their jobs and are looking at forks. It's just such a strange coincidence that it's all at the same time. Must be a sign. Cuz the only reason we stay in DL is cuz of friends and family.

Josie, group organizer said...

I bet he got laid off because he was of such high rank and probably got paid a little more.That just plain sucks.