Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Yet another job

Well, I start waitressing at the Hanson House 313 tomorrow night. That means I work at Ramsey Photo until 5 and go straight to the 313 and work till (I'm guessing) 11:30ish which will make for a long day. I've never waitressed before, nor have I ever really wanted to. But with gas prices the way they are I figured that another paycheck (and not to forget the tips) would be nice to have. I'll only be waitressing one night a week, so it shouldn't be that bad.
I'm a concerned because... well... I'm very clumsy. what if I throw someone's fillet Mignon in their lap!

We're over at Butto's house (for all of you who don't know, his real name is Jason and Butto is a variation of his last name) Midcontinent Communication just gave us High Definitinon TV. Our TV doesn't supporst that, but Butto's 52 inch DLP big screen TV does, so Kevin just had to come and drool over it.

I don't have much else going on.... so I won't waste any more of your time. Good Day!


Janelle said...

I am starting to think that you are one of those people that have to keep busy and can't sit still. I understand the pressure of gas money, but holy crap, you are going to work yourself to death. Just don't work yourself so much that you and Kevin can't have a good time once in a while because you are too tired from working. However, I know that an extra 2 days a week should be that harsh.

Karissa (mommy) said...

I hope you enjoy waitressing. I always liked doing it because you were constantly doing something so you never really had time to sit and watch the clock and be bored. Of course the best part is the tips. Even if you only make $5 your entire shift it's nice to have cash in your hand right away. Good luck and I hope you don't drop anything on anyone. :)

KSoFM said...

restaurants are my familiy's business, so i was a runner, busboy, waiter, whateva. You'll do great, tis easier than you think. Just expect people to bitch. There are some peoples who just enjoy bitching and will complain no matter how good the food/service. Anyways, check you out, good luck!