Thursday, August 18, 2005

My hubby's hand might fall off!

Okay so it won't actually fall off, but it hurts so it may as well. Kevin was cooking tonight (yup, he does most of the cooking... what are you gonna do about it!) and he burned his hand pretty bad with grease from the pan of chicken. Poor thing, he's had it iced for a couple of hours now and he says it hurt really bad without the ice on. There are no blisters, and the reddness is going away, but it still hurts pretty bad I guess. It is his right hand too, (he is right handed) and he uses his hands all day on his patients, so if it still hurts tomorrow, he may not be able to go to work. :(On a good note, we got our new dining room set. I love it! We still don't have anything on the walls in that room, but we were kind of waiting for the table. Plus tomorrow is FRIDAY, can't get any better than that! The past two weeks have gone by REALLY fast! That means summer is almost REALLY over.


BoneDaddy said...

April, remember you said he burned it making chicken...he can borrow my oven mit if he wants...I have two...

Penny said...

April you should have come over and got some Aloe for his hand. It takes that sting right out and it heals faster. I know you didn't want one because your cat will eat it but you could just pull a couple of leafs off and keep them in a baggie. Hope he is feeling better by now. Love Mom

Josie, group organizer said...

I feel so bad that he burned it again. Stupid dishwashers.