Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Actual news article... the Black lady and the two white people are holding the same items in their hands... bread and soda... but for some reason the black person "looted" the items where as the white people "found" the items. That is too sad, how could an editor miss that! Posted by Picasa


April said...

well since there is no power, there is no ATM, or use credit cards to use in the stores that even have a chance of being open! So neccesity I think. I would probably do the same thing if I didn't have a choice. I would loot... not items like TV's or Stereos, or unneccesary items, I would loot for food though, and probably a change of clothes. but I would try to keep it under control. Where the heck are these people putting their stolen goods (like the ones taking big expensive items)?

Penny said...

Hey April, remember when I almost named you Katrina? But on the serious side it is a very sad thing that these people have to go through.

April said...

Oh yeah, I remember that like it was yesterday..... cause, you know, i remember everything from when i was born!