Friday, April 15, 2005

with threats on my life.... I post

My last couple days I've been in a icky, negative mood, that is why I have not posted. I don't want to be one of the "oh pity me... my life sucks because..." Cause my life doesn't suck, I've just had a crummy week, and I'll get over it. Just thought there is no point in brining you all down with me.

Kevin has left for the weekend to go to DL for Amadon's bachelor party which is either tonight or tomorrow night. Josie's Bachelorette party is tomorrow, and because I'm a complete moron I don't know if I can go. I always work morning shifts..VERY rarely do I work 3-11, but I scheduled myself to work the evening shift this weekend because I know Blake prefers working the AM shift and I thought I'd give myself a nice weekend to sleep in (mind you I made the schedule BEFORE the bachelorette party was planned). A co worker of mine said she can probably work for me tomorrow for a couple hours so I can go to the party.

It is my friend Jason's B-Day today so HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON. As if your parents weren't dredding tax day as it is... then you come along and make that day... I mean, a blessing, you made their tax day a wonderful event full of joy. yeah. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Our Manager at the hotel interviewed a potential replacment for me when I leave. He was really nice, and has an awesome resume and referral letters. That place can use a new mind there anyway, it's good he came along when he did. Part of me, however, is screaming "NO NO NO! I won't go, you can't make me! NO ONE can REPLACE ME! you're supposed to say "NO ONE IS AS GOOD AS YOU ARE, IT IS GOING TO BE TORTURE INTERVIEWING YOUR REPLACEMENTS!!" But then the more mature side of me realizes that someone has to take my place and soon it'll be like I wasn't even there. He'll find ways to make things better, and that is good for business. But I'm on to bigger and better things right? right.

Did you know that in 2004, the word most commonly googled AND looked up on was 'blog' weB LOG.... BLOG

So as you can tell... a whole lotta nothin' goin' on here. I think I spend too much time waiting for something interesting to happen to me, so I can post about it instead of going out and FINDING something interesting and exciting to post about.

I found out today that there are an estemated 800 people to attend Kevin's 'hooding ceremony'... I have to stand in front of 800 people and hood Kevin. Doesn't sound too bad right, then why am I scared out of my mind and I feel like I'm gonna throw up when I think about it?

I know I'm addicted to blogging because I come home and think "I wonder if Karissa posted pics of Isabella, or if JessicaRabit has any more crazy stories to tell, or if KSoFM posted new pics of their bambino... or maybe blake updated his livejournal... and so on and so on. If you are checking my blog as often as I check yours... then you all have a serious problem, because I feel like a stalker most days.

Anyway here's a cookie for making through the whole post and not skipping the middle part... just to get to the cookie


Anonymous said...

oh april you know it will never be the same with out you there ... dont care how wonderfull this guy is .... hes not april.... and if you would of told me that you were gonna miss the toy.. oh i mean bachelorette party i would of swiched ... you never tokd me that .... but you got it off anyway so i guess no harm done..... and yes i do check your bolg as much as you check others... and im sorry i dont update as much as i should ... but i really have not much to say unless its ... oh sad poor me... and all that jazz..... and when it is someting exciting ... im like oh im tired or busy i will blog about it later ... but then i never do... its bad ... wel best be going

Anonymous said...

I check sites alot and sometimes just dont leave comments cause I feel like I cant be witty at the time, cause its late and I am tired.

My stories are crazy cause I am a freaaaaakkk baby. Im weird. And I havent even told a small percent of the things I could. Someday its going to get wild at the old Ass Wood I tell ya....