Sunday, February 27, 2005

This post doesn't deserve a snappy title...

I realize I haven't been posting much... besides those silly quizes; that went over quite well I might add... That is because I just don't have much to say. But if you want to continue reading, be my guest cause the following post will definately bore you...I'll give you my past week in cliff's notes...

Mr. Pie was sick for a few days. He threw up all over the apartment. it was gross.

I went to DL and hung out mostly with Amanda and Butto. We went to the movie "Hitch" was hilarious. Then we went to Josie and Amadon's and hung out there. Poor Josie is going to throw up her baby I think! There isn't anything else in her tummy...I really enjoy haning out with Amanda lately, we always have something to talk about, and I find her extremely intellegent and fun to talk to about everything because she sincerly sounds and acts interested in everything I have to say.

I only have one shift left at Sears. Last Monday I royally F*&$ed things up, and made tons of mistakes, and I felt like an incompetant fool, a first class idiot and social reject for about 2 days, where I wollowed in self pity, and got overly emotional... then I got over it.

At the hotel, Jan has been acting funny, I think I did something to annoy her, but what are ya gonna do... I'm sure she'll be better this week.

Kevin moved some of his stuff home. We threw our couch by the dumster today (don't know how many UND rules THAT breaks... but who cares) and Erik and Ray are bringing the futon and Kevins other big stuff home with them tonight. Kevin comes home for good on Wednesday

I have to make the schedule for the hotel... but SOMEONE didn't install MS Word on my computer, so that plan is out. Now I might just go there today and work on it so I don't have to do it tomorrow, and I don't have distractions like guests and phones.

Tab told me there was a 911 dispatcher job open in DL. It pays well too, but seriously, do I have what it takes to save peoples lives and make split second decisions... probably not. But it would be an interesting job, thats for sure. I'd be up on all the latest gossip and have it "in" with the PoPo... hm...maybe I'll apply.

Moving back to DL is getting scarier... but more exciting everyday. I'm gonna miss a WHOLE bunch of things about Grand Forks. like the size. But DL has it's advantages too. Kevin will have a good job, and we'll be close to friends and family. Although I'm leaving all my friends here. I'm sure I'll find a job in DL, I just hope it is something I'll like doing. I'm not all that picky, I can do pretty much anything, if I have to I'll work at K Mart... for a little while that is.

Okay, so that was my week, not too interesting huh? Hope everyone has a good week!

TA TA...


Josie, group organizer said...

I know things didn't work out like you wanted them too. Just try and look at all the good things about moving back to DL and realize it's not permanent. Hopefully that won't make it quite as scary. And if all else fails with a job maybe you can take a little break for a while. Besides you guys are getting a house and all that fun stuff and that's something exciting no matter where you're moving.

Josie, group organizer said...

I know things didn't work out like you wanted them too. Just try and look at all the good things about moving back to DL and realize it's not permanent. Hopefully that won't make it quite as scary. And if all else fails with a job maybe you can take a little break for a while. Besides you guys are getting a house and all that fun stuff and that's something exciting no matter where you're moving.

Mrs S said...

Your leaving me sigh..... The only person I know in Forks that i actually like.

But D.L has advantages to. Houses are cheaper than they would be in forks because Forks has such a ridiculous living expenses rate. And you can see you parents anytime you feel like it without having to drive an hour.