Monday, January 17, 2005

My weekend

The funeral went well. Very sad, but it was nice. Tab is doing okay, they are focusing on "what comes next" She and Derek brought me home last night, and we went out to eat.

Saturday night I went to Amadon and Josie's and we played poker, my first time. I won one hand... and folded most of the rest, I kept getting delt really bad hands.. I blame Kevin... j/k love ya dear. Here are some pics of our poker night where Josie whooped our asses! She just learned not too long ago too, but it comes a little more naturally to her because she won A LOT, too bad we weren't playing for real money, she'd be very wealthy! She played some hands without looking at her cards, and still one!

There was drama with Amadon's EX, and if you care to read it is on Josie's blog. WOw, I mean just wow, that's all I have to say about all that.

I'm going back to DL tomorrow for a couple nights so I can get the car starter put in my car!! very nice, considering it was -32 this morning... that is NEGATIVE 32 degrees!!! BRRRR..!!!!

G'night all...

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