Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Busy Busy

So yes, I started my new job at Sears Portrait Studio. I started a week ago. I've been so busy lately, no time to write on my blog! I really like the job so far, most of the people I work with are really cool. I've learned quite a bit about studio photography. I don't take pics (although I trained a little on Friday) I sell people pics and stuff. I got that down, I know how to work the computer and how to place an order. I'm still a little slow with the till and that stuff, but I'm sure it'll come with time, I just have to do it lots. The problem is that because I'm new, I'm slow, and people get frustrated (because they can do it really fast) so they get in front and do it for me, now how am I supposed to learn that way? I ask them questions, and they just do it, instead of just telling me what to do. But I guess I understand where they are coming from, I've trained lots of people at the Hotel, and know how frustrating it can be to watch people move so slow, when you need to get the job done.

I haven't had a day off in a while (that is okay, I was expecting that) but I can really feel it, my body kind of aches all the time. It is really odd leaving the house at 6:30 am (when it is dark, mind you) and not coming home until 9:30 pm (when it is dark also). It is very convenient that the hotel is a half a block away from the Sears parking lot and it takes me literally 2 minutes to get there.

I'm taking paid vacation time at the hotel next week (a whole WEEK!) I'm thinking I might go home for a day or two (I still work at Sears)

Kevin has to find a place to live for 9 weeks for his Clinical Studies in Bemidji. It is hard finding a place that will give you a 9 week lease. He is done with school next week (NO MORE CLASSES EVER!!) He will go to 2 clinical studies, each lasting 9 weeks, then he will graduate and be a DOCTOR of Physical Therapy. I'm so proud of him, he has worked so hard for this and now its finally almost here! Oh, I found out that our friends Erik and Liz are having a baby. Now everyone is all like "when are you two having a baby?" My response "when the time is right" and right now is not the right time. If God wanted us to have kids by now, we would have kids by now.

So anyway, I've blabbed about nothing too long. tl;dr I'm sure. Yes, only Amadon and Josie will know what that means.

by the way check out these blogs.... a shout out to my blogger buddies...

www.picsnthings.blogspot.com Josie
www.myfriendsandfamily.com Amber
www.wrdplyr.blogspot.com Mike
wwwjorysblogthing.blogspot.com Jory
www.obsessedwithisabella.blogspot.com Karissa
www.livejournal.com/users/stonegateguy Blake
and most importantly... my MOMMY has a blog!!!


Penny said...

Wow I love being able to hear what's going on with you. It makes me feel closer to you somehow, to know how you are doing. And I absoluty love the pictures. I'm only wishing you had spell check with the comment page. HA HA LOL. It is exciting to hear that Kevin is done with Classes.
I bet no one is more excited than him. Tell him I send congratulations. We need to be thinking about that party. Call me when you deside to come home. Maybe I can make something special like lazane (I know it's spelled wrong what can I say I'm not Italian.)
But you still love me right!
Love always Mom

Karissa (mommy) said...

I'm glad to hear you are enjoying your job!!! So when are you going to have a baby? Isn't it about time??? I'm just kidding. You guys should have one right now for Isabella's sake. She needs a little friend to play with. If you wait any longer she'll start to think she's the only baby in the world and she'll start to get full of herself. Again, I'm kidding.:) I hope you get a day off soon. I know how worn out Doug gets with his jobs and school. One nice thing will be getting that extra paycheck, right?

Jory said...

Hey Ape! It's awesome knowing that Kev's finally done with classes soon, and it has definitely been a long haul for him.

I love my job too even though its nothing special, but as long as I actually look forward to working then thats all that matters right?

I'll try to give you a call soon because I'd like to wish you and Kev a merry Christmas. Just drop me an email with your number again.

Josie, group organizer said...

You'll have kids someday. I wouldn't worry about it. Sometimes it's the couple that tries to have a baby every month that waits the longest. Everything comes in time. You're right that you should wait until it's the right time.