Thursday, December 28, 2006

Baby steps.

WE GOT TO HOLD HIM TODAY!! Here's some extra !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because that is how happy I am.

He is off all the oxygen. The only tubes he has attached is one going into his nose and down to his tummy (to help with feeding) And one IV line so they can give him extra goodies and take his blood if they need to.

Now that he is breathing on his own and his lungs look so good and he is off the lights because his Jaundice went away, they decided we could try breastfeeding. Poor little guy was all tuckered out today though so feeding didn't go very well. Now his body has to work on its own to breath and keep a good temperature going, and that is hard work so he is very sleepy most of the time.

We tried at noon and again at three, but both times he was passed out cold so he didn't really want to eat, let alone learn HOW to eat. We got to hold him while he was getting his lunch through the tube. We're going back at 9PM to see if he's more awake to eat.

So from now on its working on eating and keeping his body temp up as well as strong breating after all the stress of being moved and held to eat.

He has 5 days of Antibiotics to help clear up the pnemonia and keep him strong.... if all is good in 5 days and he can eat on his own by then... then we get to take him home.. so hopefully by Tuesday... keep your fingers crossed!

oh, and Kevin and I look pretty funny in those pics below... give us some slack, we're pretty tired.

1 comment:

Penny said...

You guys could never looked better holding that beautiful baby. I'm so glad you are finally getting to bond with him. Give him a kiss for his Grandma!!