Thursday, December 28, 2006

He was trying his hardest to stay awake for us but his eyes kept opening and rolling around and then back to sleep he went. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

What a BEAUTIFUL sight to see. He is darling... Looks alot like you when you were born. You and Kevin look good too!! Glad to hear/see you got to hold him and love on him. I bet he appreciated it... thanks for the pictures. Lots of love, thoughts and prayers continue to be with you all. Love you, A Di

Karissa (mommy) said...

this pic is the new background on our computer. you should be proud that Aiden is the only other baby besides Isabella to be featured on our computer. ;)

Aiden looks really good, and i'm sooooooo happy you guys got to hold him. even though the feeding didn't go perfectly i'm glad you guys were able try.

BoneDaddy said...

Yeah, I wanted to see this pictures earlier, but SOMEONE wanted me to spend "family time" with them!

Candy said...

COngratulations! Both my boys were preemies with lung problems and I didnt get to hold Derek until he was two weeks old, I understand how tough this sort of thing is.

Im very happy to hear he is going to be well and god that first time you get to hold them has got to be the best feeling on earth.

Much love to you all.

Sphincter said...

What a cutie! I'm so glad to read that he's improving all the time!

Anonymous said...

Found you from Mr. Toast and CONGRATS! What a doll :)