Monday, February 05, 2007

Hi Ho Hi Ho

Its off to work I go. Tomorrow I return to work. Part of me is excited (back to the "real world" with real people in it) but part of me is feeling guilty, but I hear thats normal for moms that go back to work. Kevin's mom is in town for two days to help give us some sleep before returning to work. Which is VERY helpful, considering that Mr. Aiden decided he doesn't like to sleep. EVER. I called the doctor because the reason he isnt' sleeping is because of his acid reflux. THe meds aren't working as well as we'd like. He still fusses a lot after he eats and crys when he burps or has the hicups (because it burns). He won't sleep long unless he is being held (I blame myself a little for that one)

The doctor said that we just have a very fussy baby, but if we want to, we can try a different medicine for the acid reflux.

So I guess we'll just have to wait it out and go sleepless for a couple of months. Dont get me wrong, I know that babies don't allow much sleep time, but I thought for sure I wouldn't be up from 2:am until 10am with him... I've been up since 2am.... yucky.

SO I don't know how thats going to work when I have to go to work and I haven't slept, but I'm sure we'll figure SOMETHING out. I think Aiden might have to come to bed with us soon. That way he can be cuddled and sleep longer. You can't spoil them so young, can you?

So anyway, I decided that sleep isn't important, and I've come to understand that I need to change my perception that sleep is just for night time, I'll have to sleep when I can during the day... like after work or go to bed at 8:30 and sleep until 2.

Any mommies have any suggestions.


Penny said...

Just wondering how work went. Kind of hard to leave him huh? I think every mommy hates to go back to work. It will get better.

Anonymous said...

(Tried to post this earlier, but internet was on the fritz...)

We had Emily in bed with us for two months straight, and now after a lot of "what do we do's" she gets excited to get in her crib and go to bed. Don't ask me how that happened, but I'm not going to mess with it!

We did the whole rocking and not let her cry it out thing, and it didn't allow us to sleep as much either, but now we look back and say "Who cares?"

Everyone does it differently, and it works out differently for everyone. If you want to get some rest, do whatever you need to do. For us it was saying "nice try, bassinet" and hello to the edge of the bed.

As for work, I felt much less guilty after day 2, and realized that it was okay to have a life outside the house, and it sounds like you've got that figured out too.

Good luck Mommy!

xoxo, musikmama

Anonymous said...

Does Aiden sleep on his back or his tummy? My boys both sleep on there tummies and that helped when they were little becaus ethey would only sleep for short periods of time on their back and side. I know you aren't supposed to do it, but it helped me alot. Just thought I would give you a suggestion.

Billy Jo
(Janelle's friend)