Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Friday... maybe.

Well, Baby just doesn't want to come out. Either that or my body doens't want to share him with the rest of the world. I went to my doctors appointment yesterday and Im not dilated. He kept saying "we let the first ones come on their own when they're ready" He said that we'll talk about inducing next week... then Kevin JOKINGLY said "how about tomorrow" So Dr. Brown picked up the phone and called the hospital:

"how does tomorrow look?"
The lady on the other line just laughed and said "no way-we're full tomorrow"
"No, even crazier"
"Um.... 7 A.M is open"

So he made me an appointment for Friday... and that was that I guess.

But here's the important part. I'm not getting induced Friday-but I'm going into the hospital to get this stuff (forgot the name of the stuff... something like Zy...something applied to my cervix (oh yeah, I'm all full of details....) and if its ready... it'll dilate and hopefully start contractions. Or it could do nothing and then I'll have to wait until next Thursday to be induced with Pitocin. So I guess we could be having a baby Friday. If this stuff works rights away then I'll probably be out of the hospital Sunday but if it works later in the day or that night we'll probably be in the hospital over Christmas. But I can't really ask for a better Christmas present. Our first night home with our baby COULD be Christmas eve-which would be a little wierd. But at least our family will all be here.

So now you know the plan.


Gergen said...

OMG!!!!! I am sooooo Out of the loop! You guys are gonna have a baby!!! I am so proud! I heard kevin is a real doc now grats bud you worked your butt off to get there.

Ok OK ok... breath in, breath out... HOLY SNIKIES!

wow... just wow.. you two will make great parents....

I would love to talk more if you guys get the time, my email is

Drop me a line if you get the chance!

Jennie W said...

Tell that baby we all want to see him! Good luck the stuff they are using - I hope your baby comes soon!