Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Setting the record straight.

Kevin and I don't know what we are going to do. We weren't planning on staying in DL for more than a year, but we weren't planning on going anywhere before that either. Here are the facts

1. Kevin's boss's decided we don't need medical insurance. We just got done paying $500 deductable on Blue Cross Blue Shield. They decided to change it to a different provider (Medica). The hospital in DL doesn't accept Medica, therefore, we can't have babies in DL cause the insurance wouldn't cover it. (One of the main reasons we moved back was to have babies)

2. They also cut Kevin's vacation/sick days (combined) from 4 weeks a year to 2 weeks per year.

3. Kevin asked for one week off in February so we can go to Vegas for a vacation. They said no. flat out no, because they can't get anyone to drive to DL to cover his patients. (tough to believe really) So he has to take his 2 weeks vacation one or two days at a time, here and there throughout the year. What the hell is the point of even HAVING vacation if you can't GO anywhere!?

4. We miss GF. We miss the people (having people around that can actually go OUT and DO things) and we miss having things to DO.

5. I don't like living in a town where everyone knows you and your buisness. Especially being a couple that everyone knows because Kevin is the Physical Therapist and Kevin's mom owns the store, and I work with Pete and Pete knows EVERYONE so when I came to work for him it was like everyone had to know who I was. More and More people are getting to know who we are and we can't go ANYWHERE without knowing someone and having to have politically correct, snoody, fake conversations with people.

6. I love my job here in DL. I love what I do, and I'm getting to do Photography too. That is the only part about DL that I'll miss a lot. (and my family and my few friends here)

7. Moving would suck. The whold process is stupid and stressful.

So... Kevin and I have simply tossed around the idea of moving... but if we did move it wouldn't be anytime too soon. So relax, people. It isn't definate. Who knows we could be here for another year or two!

Unfortunately, this town is SO small that we told like 5 people about this idea, and it got to the owner of the local coffee shop, and then it got to Kevin's job, so that kind of sucked because we didn't want anyone to know, but now since everyone does.... I decided to post about it, so those who actually care can know whats going on. and there you have it.

and we've only been in this town for 8 months.


Jory said...

Might I suggest moving to Virginia? You'd at least know me here! :D

Janelle said...

Holy crap. I had no idea that DL was just as bad as York when it came to gossip. I am suprised that it went around so fast. I can see why you would want to leave all that behind, especially if they are going to jerk Kevin around like that. Too bad. And for the record, I didn't have a clue to what was going on until I read the comment from your sister in your last post so you can say that at least one person didn't know.

Karissa (mommy) said...

wow, that really sucks that kevin's boss heard about it. that has to be one of the biggest downsides to small towns is how fast gossip travels. it's like the guy working at the liquor store knows what you're having for lunch before you do. that's why grand forks is better. ;)

Liz said...

That insurance/vacation info really sounds crappy! Remember Fargo is too big for gossip! (let's get everyone pulling for you to move to their state/city!)

BoneDaddy said...

In DL, everyone's got secrets, but nothing is hidden.

Karissa (mommy) said...

I think you're watching too much Desperate Housewives Doug...although you are right...

BoneDaddy said...

Sorry, that did sound a little melodramatic, huh? I got it from a statement made about Russia in the Rasputin File, but it seems to fit so well with small towns.

Penny said...

What is it about men and Desperate houswives? Dwitht is stuck on that one too? I just laughed out loud when I read that quote from Doug because it is sooooo true! April I'm happy to hear that you will be around for awhile. I wish things wouldn't have gotten around like that. But not suprised. We didn't think you ment it until you started talking about that house you found on the internet. Maybe Kevin could use that for leverage with them about the whole vacation thing. It would be kind of hard for them to find someone to take his place. OH by the way we talked to one of his clients last night. He said he like Kevin a lot and that he seem to know his stuff. Any way That whole insurace thing sucks you should ask if you can get a refund since you won't be getting any benifits. Car insurane will give refunds if you sell your car, maybe they would do the same thing. Well this is getting kind of long better go.

April said...

Gee mom, thanks, if I wanted people to know about that house thing, I would have put it in my post!

Reese Family Values said...

Sounds like mom is one of the culprits for the gossip speading fast. HAHA. Whatever you chose to do and wherever you chose to go I know that you will both take the success with you. As far as babies are concerned, remember, you are maried to a doctor, you could always deliver at home. LOL

Penny said...

Well excuse me. It's just what came to my mind after reading your post. Just to set the record straight (SAM) I never said anything to anyone else. Because I honestly didn't think they were planing on moving any time soon. So yeah that's my story and I'm sticking to it! April I ment it when I said do what works for you, whatever makes you and Kevin happy! That's all I want for my kids is that they are happy!

KSoFM said...

You should move to virginia.