Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Most of my buddies from DL back in High School.. Tanya took this picture. Top row: Me, Amy, Janelle, Jess, Amanda, Em, Tab, Amanda. Guys: Kevin, Jory, Derek, Amadon (eek with long black hair!) Doug, and Brueckner... I love this picture. It sums up my senior year of high school pretty well. This is the last time everyone saw eachother in the same place. Then the pooh hit the fan. But i still love this picture! Posted by Picasa


Karissa (mommy) said...

I'll always remember that picture even though I didn't even know you guys then. I just remember it hanging in your and Doug's apartment in the living room.

BoneDaddy said...

Wow...back when Brueckner was still half sane...

Janelle said...

You know, it's too bad that we didn't get Tanya in the pic too. I totally forgot that she had taken it for us. I also have to thank you for posting this pic because I wanted a copy of it FOREVER and I never got one. Now I can just take it off you blog.

Jory said...

Holy crap look how chubby I am in that pic!!

You realize of course that pic is over 6 years old... God I feel old.

I do miss you guys to death though. :'(